See Inside Destroyed Surabayan Synagogue
“The last vestige of one [of] Indonesia’s oldest and largest Jewish communities is now just a pile of rubble,” begins a report in the Jakarta Globe, confirming that the Beth Shalom Synagogue at Surabaya, on the Island of Java, was “flattened” in May. The synagogue, a modest Dutch-style residence in the heart of the business district, had been one of only two remaining in all of Indonesia —and had previously been the focal point of an Islamist protest.
In the course of preserving Jewish historical sites in the Middle East and North Africa, Diarna has gathered unique documentation on other Jewish places around the world. In the case of Surabaya, we have exclusive footage, filmed several years ago, of every page of the Jewish cemetery’s burial register (which has since disappeared) and the majority of the gravestones in the cemetery. With the help of project partners, we mapped and proudly present rare photographs of the synagogue from the 1980s and 2007.
In 2009, the same year the building was designated a national heritage site, a large mob massed in front of the synagogue. The main organizer of the January 7th protest was the Indonesian Ulema Council of East Java, which claimed the Jews are its enemies and demanded the synagogue’s closure.
“[O]nly the timely intervention of riot police saved [Beth Shalom] from desecration,” according to an article in Inside Indonesia, written by an anonymous member of the handful of Jews who continue to call Indonesia home. “I thought of poor aunty Rivka who looks after the synagogue and adjoining cemetery. It was a traumatic experience, although she was none the worse for wear….,” the writer recalled. Rivka, as many Indonesian Jews, are of Iraqi or other Mizrahi (Middle Eastern) descent. Still others are Sephardi, having come by way of the Netherlands.
The director of the Surabaya Heritage Society says the cause of the destruction is unknown and artifacts inside, presumably including the Torah scrolls, were irreplaceable.
See below for files:
- Transcript of Burial Register
- English translation of the Burial Register
- Gravestones with corresponding Burial Register entries
Burial Register Videos (unedited)
This exclusive footage, courtesy of C. Motzen, was filmed on Dec. 29, 2005, and captures every page of the burial register as well as the majority of gravestones in the cemetery. Diarna has prepared a tentative transcription and translation of the burial register as well as a concordance between the gravestones and burial register. Scroll-down to see photos of the synagogue. The photos of the cemetery and synagogue, circa 2007, are courtesy of Project partners HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library and Beit Hatfutsot: The Museum of the Jewish People. Please contact us at if you have information or additional documentation to share on these or other sites.
Notes on Burial Register Translation
Register Afdeeling . G : unreadable, verification required from whomever filmed No. : Numero. Dutch: Nummer | English: Number dd.: de dato Dutch: Datum | English Date M. of V.: Man of Vrouw (Dutch) | English: Male or Female | Ind L: laki-laki P: perempuan Afd.: Afdeeling (Modern Dutch spelling: Afdeling) | English: Section v/h: van het (Dutch) | English: of (the) [ ] : used when source is not readable { }: used for other suggestions of spelling when unreadable Sorrabaia: other spellings: Soerabaia ; Soerabaja ; Sorrabaja ; S’baia Ind: Surabaya ; Surabaia aanr.:(A/n) aannemer (Dutch) | English: contractor/ctr (in this case most likely an undertaker) e’s & c’s in the handwriting is almost the same, pay attention to this for misspellings en Co. en Compagnie (D.) | Eng. and Company e/o: en ook (D.) | Eng.: and also Wed: : Weduwe/Weduwnaar (D.) | Eng: Widow/Widower. Tidak ada. Indonesian. | Eng: No/none geb: geboren (D.) | Eng: Born j. : jaar (oud) (D.) | Eng. years (old) |Ind. thn => tahun fr: | fa : firma (D.) | Eng: firm(as in company) tanah: aarde (D.) | Eng. dirt id. : idem (D.) | Eng: the same mevr.: mevrouw (D.) |Eng: Madam/Misses
Burial Register transcript (draft)
Burial Register Translation
Gravestones with Corresponding Burial Book Records

Synagogue sign, Beth Shalom Synagogue, Surabaya, Indonesia, 1982. Photo courtesy Ruby Sayers/ Bet Hatfusot
Scroll of Esther in Ark, Beth Shalom Synagogue, Surabaya, Indonesia, 1982. Photo courtesy Ruby Sayers/ Bet Hatfusot

Grace Mussry, May 2, 1956. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Solomon Kattan. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Adolf Lisser, June 20, 1941. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Jacob Kattan, May 25, 1941. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Louise Nasiem, May 31, 1941. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Cemetery general view 1. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Cemetery general view 2. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Solomon Moses, February 3, 1927. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Tombstone detail. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Isaac Nissim Abraham Kattan, June 13, 1926 close up. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Isaac Nissim Abraham Kattan. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Isaac Nissim Abraham Kattan overview. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Grave with flowers. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Grave. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library General view. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library General view 2. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library General view 3. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library General view 4. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library General view 5. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library General view 6. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Abraham Bachas Hanna, 10-2-1949. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Solomon Judah Abraham Kattan, 10 February 1945. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Grave with grass growing. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library P.N. (Poh nitman; here lies) marker. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Sion star. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Lea Mizrahie, December 17, 1917. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library David Isaac Abraham son of Isaac Nasiem Abraham. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Jacob Hartogvecht. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Weathered tombstone. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Haim David Elias Aslan. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Elias Mordecai Mizrahie, July 30, 1928. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Graves of Grace Dorothy Sassoon and Noam Nasiem Khazoom. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Grace Dorothy Sassoon. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Noam Nasiem Khazoom. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Saul Sayers. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Weathered tombstone 2. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Helen Bat Simha. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library General view 7. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library General view 8. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Flora Saue Aaron, November 28, 1937. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library General view 9. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Meyer Sasson Jacob Aslan. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Rageena (?) Solomon Moses, May 12, 1961. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Jacob Ezekiel Sayers 1, November 2, 1971. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Jacob Ezekiel Sayers 2, November 2, 1971. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library Isaac Abraham son of David Isaac Abraham. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library. Moses Solomon Moses. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library. General view 10. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library. Charles Mussry, August 23, 1971. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library. Charles and Grace Mussry. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library. Sion Eliahu Benjamin, November 7, 1955. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library. Simha Bet Hayoe (Reuben). Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library. Simha Bet Hayoe (Reuben), wide shot. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library. Mary Sassoon. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library. General view 11. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library. Kitty bar Mariyan bat Masuda. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library. Philip Sassoon Abraham son of David Isaac Abraham. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library. Philip Sassoon Abraham son of David Isaac Abraham, wide shot. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library. Jackson Kase Seville. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library. Elias Aliahu Nasiem. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library. Albert Elias. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library. General view 12. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library. Beit Levayot (Funeral House), 2007. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2007. Photo courtesy Jono David / HaChayim HaYehudim Jewish Photo Library. Mrs Sayers, married to member of the Surabaya Jewish community, who officiated as caretaker of the synagogue, 1980. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 1980. Photo courtesy Ilan Shahar/ Bet Hatfusot. Cemetery in 1980. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 1980. Photo courtesy Ilan Shahar/ Bet Hatfusot. Cemetery in 1980, (2). Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 1980. Photo courtesy Ilan Shahar/ Bet Hatfusot. Beit Levayot (Funeral House), 1980. Jewish Section, Kembang Kuning Cemetery, Surabaya, Indonesia, 1980. Photo courtesy Ilan Shahar/ Bet Hatfusot.